Cannabis Terminology and Slang: What It All Means

Despite the recent emergence of the legal cannabis market, it would be naïve to assume that cannabis culture has only surfaced in the last few years. Cannabis enthusiasts have, for decades, employed shorthand, terminology, and slang to describe cannabis and related activities.





For those newly navigating the cannabis landscape, the realm of cannabis slang can seem intimidating. There’s a concern about not appearing knowledgeable or experienced, especially when entering a cannabis store. However, there’s no need to feel intimidated; the cannabis community is generally welcoming. If you’re interested in learning, here are some common cannabis slang terms and unfamiliar terminology.


Dank “Dank” is a term used in both cannabis and non-cannabis contexts, with different meanings. Outside cannabis, it refers to something “slightly wet, cold, and unpleasant.” In the cannabis world, it signifies high-quality, sticky weed with a pungent aroma. (US)


Pinner A “pinner” is a small, thin joint resembling a pin. It can be intentionally made smaller than a regular joint, but enthusiasts may also use the term for a poorly rolled joint by someone they know. (US)


Phenotype In cannabis, a “phenotype” refers to the physical traits a plant expresses, influenced by its genetic code and the environment. Physical aspects like color, shape, and smell are affected by how and where the plant is grown. (INT)


Landrace “Landrace” cannabis strains are the original strains, originating from the Danish word for “origin.” Before intentional breeding, consumers likely consumed landrace strains. (INT)


Cannabidiol “Cannabidiol” (CBD) is the non-psychoactive component in cannabis, offering potential effects without the typical “high” associated with THC-dominant products. (INT)


4/20 “4/20” refers to April 20th, known as “International Cannabis Day” or a stoner’s holiday. Its origins are disputed, but it was historically a day of protest for cannabis legalisation. (INT)


7/10 “7/10” or “Oil Day” (when flipped, 710 resembles OIL) celebrates cannabis oil products like tinctures, capsules, and softgels. (US)


Head High A “head high” refers to the energizing or cerebral effects of cannabis, often associated with sativa strains. (INT)


Body High “Body high” describes physical and relaxing effects, commonly attributed to indica strains. (INT)


Tripé(e): Slang for being under the influence of cannabis, experiencing a trip or high. (FR)


Terpenes “Terpenes” are organic compounds affecting the aroma and taste of a cannabis strain, potentially contributing to its smoking qualities. (INT)


Flavonoids “Flavonoids” contribute to the color and pigmentation of cannabis plants, with some therapeutic potential. (INT)


Dabs “Dabs” or “dabbing” involves a concentrated cannabis oil, high in THC and other cannabinoids, also known as wax, budder, or shatter. (INT)


Sticky “Sticky” weed indicates a high resin content in the trichomes, containing cannabinoids, making it desirable. (US)


Weed: A common term for cannabis, referring to the dried flowers of the Cannabis plant that are typically smoked or vaporised. (INT)


Erba: Commonly used to refer to cannabis, specifically the dried flowers. (IT)


Wiet: Equivalent to the English term “weed.” (NL)


Bud: The actual flower of the cannabis plant, containing the highest concentration of cannabinoids and often the most sought-after part for consumption. (INT)


Hash: A concentrated form of cannabis made by compressing the resin glands (trichomes) into a solid form. It is typically consumed by smoking. (INT)


Fumo: Translates to “smoke” and is used as a colloquial term for hashish. (IT)


Stoned: The state of being under the influence of cannabis, experiencing relaxation and altered perception. (UK)


Défoncé(e): Slang for being high or stoned. (FR)


Fatto: This term, translating to “done” or “made” in English, is sometimes used colloquially to indicate being high. It’s a casual way to express that someone is in a

state of being “done” due to the effects of cannabis. (IT)


Kiffer: Someone who smokes cannabis, akin to “stoner” in English. (GER)


Skunk: A term used to describe high-potency strains of cannabis, known for their strong and pungent aroma. Skunk strains are often associated with high THC content. (UK)


Kraut: A colloquial term referring to cannabis, similar to the English slang “weed.” (GER)


Spliff: A cannabis cigarette rolled with a mixture of cannabis and tobacco. It’s a common method of consumption in the UK.


Petard: Slang for a joint. (FR)


Spinello: Slang for a joint or a marijuana cigarette. (IT)


Canne: A term used to refer to cannabis joints. (IT)


Tüte: Translates to “joint” or “spliff.” (GER)


Blunt: Similar to a joint, a blunt is a cannabis cigarette, but it is rolled with a hollowed-out cigar wrapper or tobacco paper, replacing the rolling paper. (INT)


Space Cake: A cannabis-infused cake or pastry, often associated with edibles. (INT)


Joint: A cannabis cigarette typically rolled with rolling papers, containing ground cannabis. (INT)


Rizla: A popular brand of rolling papers used for rolling joints and cigarettes. (UK)


Zoot: Slang for a well-rolled cannabis joint. (UK)


Cheese: Refers to a specific strain of cannabis known for its distinctive, cheese-like aroma. It has gained popularity in the UK.


Ganja: A slang term for cannabis, often used informally. (INT.)


Puff: To inhale or smoke cannabis. (INT)


Cannabis Resin: A concentrated form of cannabis, also known as hashish, made by collecting and compressing the resin glands from the plant.(INT)


420: A term associated with cannabis culture, referring to the date April 20th and often used as a time to celebrate and consume cannabis. (INT)


Coffeeshop: In Holland, this term refers to a place where cannabis can be legally purchased and consumed. (NL)


Hydroponic: A method of growing cannabis without soil, using nutrient-rich water solutions.


Draw: Inhaling the smoke or vapor of cannabis. (UK)


Amnesia: A strain of cannabis known for its strong effects, including short-term memory loss. (INT)


Cannabis Light: Refers to hemp or legal cannabis products with low-THC  that comply with legal regulations. (IT)


Jointje draaien: Translates to “rolling a joint.” (NL)


Blowen: Refers to smoking cannabis. (NL)


While there are more cannabis terms, this provides a starting point. Further exploration will enhance your understanding of cannabis terminology.



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